By Laurel Conrad.
Nicole is in the class of 2017 at the University of Vriginia, majoring in Foreign Affairs.

She is from McLean, Virginia, and attended the National Cathedral School.

According to Nicole, she is a conservative because she “believes in limited government and individual liberty.”

Nicole’s favorite conservative lady is Ann Coulter because “she is bold and outspoken.”

Nicole’s favorite quote is: “If you don’t love what you do, you won’t do it with much conviction or passion.” – Mia Hamm.

The weirdest thing Nicole has ever done is eaten Python meat (at UVA’s athletic dining hall – supposedly it is very nutritious).

Nicole’s personal motto is: “Freedom is being bold.”

At CBLPI’s recent Capitol Hill Seminar, Nicole introduced bold leader Bay Buchanan.

Nicole’s guilty pleasure TV show is “The Bachelor.”

And finally, Nicole says she found out about the CBLPI internship via social media – and jumped at the opportunity!

Welcome to CBLPI Nicole! We are so happy to have you joining us this summer. We hope when you go back to UVA this fall, you’ll feel empowered by your summer with us!