Andrea Vacchiano is in the Class of 2019 at Rutgers University, double-majoring in History and Political Science. She is from northern New Jersey and is a triplet, along with two "older" brothers, and she also has an older sister.
Andrea was a presenter on the Student Panel at CBLPI’s 2016 Western Women’s Summit, where she talked about student activism at Rutgers.
Andrea is a conservative because, to quote Winston Churchill, "A love for tradition has never weakened a nation; indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril."
Andrea's favorite conservative woman is Baroness Thatcher because of her courage, tenacity, and convictions.
Andrea's favorite quote is "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." – Benjamin Franklin
One of Andrea's favorite presidents is Ronald Reagan, because he sparked her interest in politics while in middle school.
Andrea's passion, besides politics, is history – and the weirdest thing she's ever done was put a birthday hat on a bust of James Madison for his birthday.
If Andrea could live in any era, it would be the 1960's, so that her love for William F. Buckley Jr. and the Beach Boys could be more socially acceptable.
At CBLPI's recent Capitol Hill Summit, Andrea introduced famed pollster (and fellow Jersey native) Kellyanne Conway.
Finally, Andrea found out after the CBLPI internship after attending the Midwest Womens' Summit as a high school student, at the suggestion of her conservative mentor.

at the 2015 CBLPI Midwest Women’s Summit