CBLPI is pleased to highlight Katie Pavlich, a dynamic conservative thinker, writer and speaker, as our August Conservative Woman.
Katie is the editor for Townhall.com, a conservative news, politics, commentary and culture website, and a columnist for The Hill, a political website covering Capitol Hill and Congress. Her coverage of a wide range of topics, from immigration to White House scandals, garnered her CPAC’s 2013 Blogger of the Year award.
A passionate Second Amendment advocate, she often tells audiences (with a smile) that “God may have made man and woman, but as the old saying goes, Sam Colt made them equal."
Still in her twenties, Katie has already authored two books: Assault & Flattery: The Truth about the Left and Their War on Women; and Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal and Its Shameless Cover-Up. She contributes to Fox News and appears regularly as a guest on the network’s shows, Outnumbered and The Five.
A very popular CBLPI speaker on campus and at other events, Katie is the recipient of CBLPI's 2013 Conservative Leadership award and CBLPI’s 2014 Woman of the Year award.

Katie Pavlich speaking at CBLPI’s Conservative Leadership conference

Katie speaking at CBLPI’s 2014 Woman of the Year luncheon

Katie poses with a group of students at a CBLPI event