Conference luncheon speaker Bay Buchanan, former U.S. Treasurer
by Abigail Slagle
In the middle of an exciting and informative week at the Young America's Foundation National Student Leadership Conference, the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute hosted a "Ladies Luncheon" featuring Bay Buchanan for all of the women attendees.
After giving a speech on finding a passion for advancing a policy issue, Bay gave a shorter speech at the Ladies Luncheon speaking more about personal life advice, her past working with President Reagan, serving as United States Treasurer, authoring two books, and raising children as a single mom. She told several stories, including one about how she became US Treasurer, which she said was based on adamantly asking for the position and refusing to take anything less. During the Q&A, she welcomed questions ranging from everything from policy stances to personal questions about whether there is an age too young to get married. Bay answered each question fully and with respect and insight. Upon being asked about President Reagan's faith, she recounted a story about a time when she asked the president, during a meeting about his plans for his policy platform. He replied that after his assassination attempt, he was "on borrowed time, and the Lord still has him here for a reason." She praised his moral conduct and belief that God had him on the Earth for a reason, which was what fueled his determination to push his political agenda forward.
After the luncheon, the girls proceeded to take pictures with Bay and continued to ask her questions. Many of them appreciated her efforts and determination in her career as one of the few women on President Reagan's campaign, and later staff appointees.
It was very clear that the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute was well-received by the women attending the conference. The luncheon served as a kind of respite where they could all be together to ask more personal questions about life, marriage, and career advice from a successful and strong woman.
A few hours later, Laurel Conrad, CBLPI Program Director, was a featured speaker at the conference. Laurel gave a convincing speech on why more conservative women need to become national leaders, and how the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute promotes conservative women. She also told a few stories about Clare Boothe Luce's life, and why Clare is such a role model for young women everywhere. Laurel spoke eloquently and answered questions in an honest manner that were based on personal experience.
The Ladies Luncheon was an inspiring event that honored and celebrated the importance of conservative women in America.