by Lil Tuttle
Customs and Border Patrol released new statistics yesterday highlighting the huge increase in apprehensions of illegal migrants at the U.S. Southwest Border.
Family Unit Aliens (FMUA) are crossing our borders in record numbers. This fiscal year to date, CBP has seen a more than 300 percent increase in the number of family units apprehended compared to the same time period in fiscal year 2018. Today, family units and unaccompanied alien children (UAC) make up 60 percent of apprehension that have occurred along the southwest border and are predominantly from Central America, namely Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.
Additionally, there have been 70 large groups of 100 or more individuals totaling 12,069 apprehensions, compared to what Border Patrol encountered in FY18, which was 13 large groups, and in FY17, which was only two.

Source: U.S. Customs and Border Patrol
CBP reported a total of 318,407 apprehensions in the first five months of Fiscal Year 2019 (October through February), compared to 521,090 apprehensions in all twelve months of FY 2018 (October through September).
“We are currently facing a humanitarian and national security crisis along our southwest border. The vast increases in families and children coming across our border, in larger groups and in more remote areas, presents a unique challenge to our operations and facilities, and those of our partners, including the NGOS who work to assist these individuals and families throughout their immigration proceedings,” said CBP Commissioner Kevin K. McAleenan.
What is wrong with Congress that it can’t understand this?