Rachel discovered her passion for inspiring and leading young women to reach their full potential when she was captain of the girls’ cross country team at her alma mater, Franciscan University of Steubenville. She graduated with a degree in communication arts (with a multimedia concentration) and a minor in theology, an education that she is thrilled to put to good use at the Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women.

Deeply committed to school choice, family values, and pro-life causes, Rachel honed her skills in video production and photography as a media intern at a Catholic summer camp nestled in the Rocky Mountains. She also gained valuable experience managing social media. Rachel thoroughly enjoyed connecting with her fellow staff, the campers, and getting to know their families, bonds she cherishes and continues to foster.

In her free time, Rachel enjoys hiking, running, reading, painting, and playing piano. A frequent volunteer with her parish’s youth ministry program, she also loves to watch sunsets and, best of all, hang out with family and friends.