Welcome to the Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women.

We are an all-women organization that specializes in educating and mentoring young women to empower them to live happier, freer lives and contribute to a stronger, freer America. We recognize that young women face incredible pressure to conform to a leftist worldview that sabotages their well-being and that of their loved ones and fellow Americans.

We deeply appreciate America’s men and believe that they, too, need guidance during their formative years. But we focus on women for three reasons.

First, leftist propaganda targets women, manipulating us with a vision of womanhood that is in lockstep with leftist attitudes and priorities; freeing young women from the harms of deceptive leftist messaging since childhood requires a targeted response.

Second, women are equal in dignity to men, but we are not the same. Women experience the world differently than men do. Studies show that women rely on friendships for support more than men and are more likely to conform to the ideas and behaviors of a group than men. Focusing on women allows us to design programs that are uniquely appealing to women. Accordingly, camaraderie and friendship are not an “extra” part of the Luce Center experience; they are an intentional feature of our work that provides specialized help for young women.

Third, women play a crucial role in shaping a society’s values. Any effort to reclaim America’s traditional values must involve a serious plan to recruit more women to our cause.

Consider what Alexis de Tocqueville, the French author of Democracy in America, observed about our country in 1835:

If anyone asks me what I think the chief cause of the extraordinary prosperity and growing power of this nation, I should answer that it is due to the superiority of their women.

Noting that “it is women who shape mores,” Toqueville praised American women for our intelligence, virtue, and hard work, crediting our contributions to families, churches, schools, and civic associations for producing a virtuous citizenry. He also marveled at the great respect American men had for their women, writing, “They hold that a woman’s mind is just as capable as man’s of discovering the naked truth, and her heart as firm to face it.”

We think Toqueville would be delighted by the caliber of American women who participate in the Luce Center’s programs.

If you are a young woman in college or high school, please check out our internships, summits, campus lectures, firearms training, and other programs. The best way to get involved is to email Lauren Herzberg at or sign up here to be added to our student email list.

Here’s some good news for patriots who want to strengthen our country: in addition to programs for young women, we have events for supporters and community members throughout the year, including our monthly Conservative Women’s Network luncheons, which are open to women and men of all ages. Join our email list to receive invitations.

More good news is that the Luce Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that accepts online, tax-deductible gifts. See the green “Donate” button in the top, right corner of this page. If you are considering making a gift, I hope you will contact me at

It’s an honor to partner with great Americans to educate and mentor today’s young women—to cultivate their naturally conservative beliefs and help them become confident, courageous conservatives—at this crucial time for our country.

In Friendship & Freedom,

Kimberly Begg