Congratulations KT McFarland, future Deputy National Security Advisor

CBLPI Calendar Photo of KT McFarland

President-elect Donald Trump has chosen KT McFarland to be Deputy National Security Advisor in his administration. We applaud his choice! We've been a fan of KT's for many years, so much so that we selected her to receive CBLPI's 2015 Woman of the Year award.

At the luncheon in her honor last year, KT told the young women in the audience: Whatever you do, do it better than anybody else.

That advice has guided her own successful career, and she is recognized today as one of the nation's foremost national security experts.

KT received her B.A. from George Washington University and her M.A. from Oxford, and she completed the Massachusetts Institute of Technology PhD program (all but dissertation) with concentrations on nuclear weapons, China, and the Soviet Union.

Her public service career includes national security positions in the Ford, Nixon and Reagan administrations. Her private sector career achievements include serving as national security analyst at the Fox News and host of Fox News's Def-Con3.

KT has long maintained that national security is a woman's issue, as she explains in this short video clip from her remarks at CBLPI's Western Women's Summit in 2013 in Santa Barbara CA:

In her introduction of the Woman of the Year award, Michelle Easton called KT "a bold persistent fighter for conservative principles," and "an "excellent role model for young women." She is indeed.

Congratulations, KT. We wish you and the new Trump Administration every success.


For more background, watch these full-length videos of KT's remarks at CBLPI events:

Woman of the Year: KT McFarland

How Secure in America in 2013? KT McFarland