Vanessa was a rising senior majoring in journalism and political science in 2012 when she interned with CBLPI. The liberal political bias on campus was somewhat anticipated, she noted at the time, but the cultural and economic bias was surprising. “After three years at the university, I had started to think that my mother was the only woman in the world who lived her life and believed in core conservative values.”
I am in my last year of college and no professor or Administrator has ever mentioned the benefits of traditional behaviors or the joys of marriage for women. The practice of traditional religion is mocked. Father figures in families are deemed unnecessary. Students are taught that gender roles are the root of a “harmful patriarchal society.” Oh, and of course, capitalism is evil to the Leftwing, which dominates my university.

Vanessa (l) at podium during introduction of author S.E. Cupp
Her summer at CBLPI was an opportunity to experience life in the off-campus “real world” populated by conservative women like her mother. Vanessa interacted with many successful conservative women role models who, she said, exuded “serenity, class, intelligence, beauty, politeness and genuine kindness.” She also participated in several conferences, luncheons and other events that introduced her to “the supportive network of strong, like-minded women that helped me get to where I am today.” She returned to campus encouraged and energized.
Interning at CBLPI gave me the tools and confidence I needed to pursue my dream of being a public relations professional in Washington, D.C. I ended up building a wonderful professional and personal life thanks to my start with CBL. Some fellow Luce Ladies were even in my wedding!
Today Vanessa is married and successfully established in her public relations career as Director of Media Relations at Javelin. She joined the Javelin team five years ago and has orchestrated media campaigns for political and public affairs clients, nonprofit organizations, advocacy groups , and has organized dozens of book rollouts for New York Times bestselling authors. She has secured client coverage in major national outlets including Good Morning America, TODAY, CBS This Morning, Face the Nation, Fox News Sunday, HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, The View, Dr. Phil, PBS Newshour, C-SPAN, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and TALKERS Magazine’s “Heavy Hundred” radio shows.
When she’s not at Javelin, Vanessa spends time with her husband and rescue puppies in Old Town Alexandria. She’s also a successful conservative woman role model for others – a reminder to young women still enduring the campus liberal gauntlet that there’s a “real world” of triumph and success to look forward to post-graduation.