The Silver Screens of Socialism
As movies capture the hearts and minds of viewers, they also propagate many unwanted messages and regime tactics. Dive into the dark side of the filmmaking business and their ploy to spread socialism.
10 Ways to Stay Patriotic After the 4th of July
While the 4th is the perfect day to show off your patriotism and how proud you are to be an American, there are still 364 days of the year that we can celebrate. So, here’s 10 ways to spice up those 364 other days and stay patriotic.
Civic Education is Important
Our great nation is currently facing a major problem. Students are lacking a basic knowledge of our nation’s history, of self-governance, and why it is important to be involved in our democratic process.
Diversity in Debate on College Campuses
Here are a few liberty-minded universities that are exceeding our expectations in protecting our fundamental right to free speech on campus.
8 Things You Need to Know Before You Go Sidewalk Counseling Outside an Abortion Clinic
Be prepared for the challenges and triumphs that come with advocating for life outside an abortion clinic.
Why Kamala Harris’ ‘Equal Pay’ Proposal Will Hurt, Not Help, Women
Sen. Kamala Harris’ recent “equal-pay certification” proposal self-identifies as the “be-all, end-all” for what the left claims is a gender wage gap. But according to conclusive studies and economic research, the California Democrat’s idea is actually a direct path down a nasty road of privacy violations and limited opportunities in the workforce for women.
Academic Study: Google’s Top Stories chosen from mostly left-leaning sources
CNN and the New York Times were the most frequent sources.
Despite flirtation with socialism, Americans prefer capitalism in the driver’s seat of their lives
Capitalism beats socialism in personal freedom, wealth creation, plentiful goods and services, voluntary cooperation and individual empowerment.
WSJ’s Kim Strassel: the Russia-Trump Collusion Story
“The notion of the federal government surveilling average U.S. folk is anathema to us, and for very good reason.”
Socialists scam Americans with their glorified health care system
Can Americans be persuaded to head down the socialist “Road to Serfdom”? The latest Monmouth University poll strongly suggests we can, if proponents hide the socialism label in their policy proposals.
Rape survivor advocates for campus carry, encourages healing process for fellow survivors
Amanda Collins Johnson at the University of Wisconsin-Madison explains her beliefs on campus carry following personal experiences.
A Fulfilling Life Includes Reading Good Books at Every Age
Beware, warns Gurdon, some in the book industry (writers, bloggers, editors and agents) are “collaborating to make some works and some authors unacceptable.”