Intern Summit Delivers Valuable Insights from Highly Successful Women
Washington interns gather to hear valuable experiences and insights from highly successful conservative women leaders.
Book Review: Letting the Princess Out of the Castle
In an age when traditional womanhood is under attack, Easton urges “purposeful parenting” in the raising up of America’s daughters.
Conservatives Urge GOP to Take ‘Firmer Line’ on Biden Nominees
Senators cannot say on one hand that they are vehemently opposed to the Biden agenda while at the same time voting to confirm nominees intent on massive government expansion and control.
January Book of the Month
Have you ever struggled with how to communicate your conservative values? One of the big issues young women deal with today is the inability to lay out the very solid reasons to stay or become conservative. To help students understand how to do this, we have chosen a rather unique, but we believe, essential book for December book club. Our selection is On Reading Well: Finding the Great Life Through Great Books by Dr. Karen Swallow Prior.
December Book of the Month
Have you ever struggled with how to communicate your conservative values? One of the big issues young women deal with today is the inability to lay out the very solid reasons to stay or become conservative. To help students understand how to do this, we have chosen a rather unique, but we believe, essential book for December book club. Our selection is On Reading Well: Finding the Great Life Through Great Books by Dr. Karen Swallow Prior.
Government Schools are Not a Co-Parent
No one cares more about a student’s academic and personal flourishing than parents.
November Book of the Month
The biggest question for every conservative American this past year was, “What really happened in the 2020 election?” As the nation dealt with COVID, we saw shifts in policies and laws and many Americans were concerned about the results. We were thrilled to find out Mollie Hemingway was writing a book on this topic. We selected Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections as our November book club choice.
October Book of the Month
We believe in the founding principles of our nation. We do not wish to toss aside the essence of America. However, the Left seeks to do just that with its acceptance and implementation of The 1619 Project. If you wish to have an America that still values freedom, we encourage you to read our book club selection this month – Debunking The 1619 Project: Exposing the Plan to Divide America by Mary Grabar.
C-SPAN’s After Words Interview with Michelle Easton Airs
Michelle Easton offers thoughts on how to pass down conservative values to young women.
Congress Moving to Require Women to Register for Military Draft
Conservative organizations, including the Center for Conservative Women, asks Congress to “strike the Reed ‘Draft Our Daughters’ amendment and oppose any legislation that would have the same effect.
9-11 Remembered
Video footage of events as they unfolded on 9-11-2001.
Conversations Parents Need to Have to Avoid Raising Woke Children
Three tips for meaningful family dinner conversations to avoid raising woke children.