College Student Exposes Top 10 Craziest College Classes That Taxpayers Underwrite
“College campuses facilitate the perfect environment for indoctrination, providing a platform for radical professors to teach their opinion as fact,” argues Autumn Klein.
August Book of the Month
Our August Book of the Month features Tara Ross’ book, “Why We Need the Electoral College.”
The Invisible Crisis of COVID-19: Rising Rates of Domestic Violence
Beneath the crisis of COVID-19, a quiet killer is still preying. Domestic violence rates have sky-rocketed since the shutdown and the mandatory quarantines and victims are forced to lock down with their abuser with little escape and hardly any access to resources.
Amber Athey Explains the Danger of BLM’s Demands
In our webinar, Amber Athey unveils the unintended consequences of the #DefundthePolice movement, the irony of Black Lives Matter’s demands, and how the Movement seemed to grow overnight. Here are her four key takeaways!
Building Your Brand as a Young Conservative Woman
Branding yourself as a young conservative woman is not as hard as you may think. Whether your goal is to grow your platform to gain credibility for a future political career, or to inform your current audience of different policy issues, there are many ways to be influential online.
Firearms Could End the Sexual Assault “One in Five” Statistic
College campuses have become one of the primary places where young women come face-to-face with the reality of sexual assault. But with the option to carry a firearm, we hope to see the one-in-five statistic fall to none.
Being Pro-Israel is Pro-Woman
Women have consistently been at the front lines of the Zionist movement. There are so many powerful, inspiring Zionist women who deserve to be welcomed into a movement that supposedly strives to amplify the voices of strong women.
Why June Medical Services vs. Russo Matters
On Monday, June 29, the Supreme Court handed down its decision for June Medical Services v. Russo, striking down a Louisiana law that requires abortionists to have admitting privileges to a hospital within 30 miles of where the abortion takes place.
July’s Book of the Month
Our July Book of the Month features Liz Wheeler’s book, “Tipping Points: How to Topple the Left’s House of Cards.”
Kate Obenshain Tackles Race in America Amidst Riots
In our June 14 webinar, “Crown Thy Good: The Hope of America’s Founding in the Face of Tumult,” guest speaker Kate Obenshain discusses the difficult topic of race in America, specifically focusing on the New York Times Magazine’s “The 1619 Project.”
Supreme Court Expands Title XII to Include Sexual Orientation
The Supreme Court handed down its decision for Bostock v Clayton County GA, ruling that under Title XII, an employer cannot fire an individual on the basis of sexual orientation. This decision is dividing among conservatives, between those who believe this to prevent workplace discrimination, and those who believe this is an overreach of the court and could lead to exploiting employers.
Let’s Launch Your Career – Tips from Washington, D.C. Recruiter, Catherine Rodriguez
On June 5, we hosted speaker Catherine Rodriguez, a Washington, D.C. Recruiter to share tips on navigating the job market and applying for internship opportunities, particularly during COVID, and what to expect in the interview process.