Okafor and Collins reopen campus concealed carry debate, motivate UNR students and alumnae to visit local range
On October 17 at the University of Nevada, Reno, wide-eyed college and high school students, alumni, and community listened to Amanda Collins and Antonia Okafor challenge the University to take proactive approaches to campus safety by allowing students to have the option to carry a firearm.
Donna Rice Hughes Reopens Wi-Fi Porn Filter Debate Despite “No” From University President Last Spring
Last Wednesday, October 9, students from the University of Notre Dame invited Donna Rice Hughes, an internationally known Internet safety expert and frontline speaker against Internet pornography, to present the business and legal case for porn filters on public Wi-Fi, and to address the ongoing debate at Notre Dame.
3 Lessons from Chinese Prison Survivor, Jennifer Zeng
Our Conservative Women’s Network event on Friday, October 4 was an eye-opener to those in attendance as Jennifer Zeng, an ex-Chinese prisoner and religious activist, shared her traumatizing story surviving Chinese labor camps and laying out three important lessons.
Michelle Malkin addresses libel journalism, immigration crisis at the University of Pennsylvania
Michelle Malkin spoke to students at the University of Pennsylvania on September 16 about the problem of libel journalism and the situation at our southern border.
Just one day after its release, Michelle Malkin discusses new book, “Open Borders Inc.,” on Capitol Hill
On Wednesday, September 11, Michelle Malkin joined the Center for Conservative Women on Capitol Hill to share remarks about her new book, “Open Borders Inc.,” just one day after its release.
Social Justice? Social Democracy? Socialism?
What’s behind the advertisements for free health care, child care and college? Who pays for them, and how do they work? Would socialism produce greater social justice for society than capitalism?
How Publicly Funded Colleges Encourage Dangerous Sex with Porn, Condoms, And Lies
The left’s influence on campus runs deeper than transgender pronouns and hateful bashing of our president. They also normalize sexual behaviors that destroy young men and women.
Why the U.S. military is worth $750 billion
Despite the shock of this staggering cost, our defense budget is vital to ensure a stable country. Providing for the defense of our nation is a primary function of the federal government, and it is imperative that our military have the resources it needs – no matter the cost.
Hang up on Hookup Culture
If we want to raise up and support fellow sisters and empower girls, we should encourage them to make decisions benefiting them and praising their self-worth.
Despite What You’ve Heard, School Choice Benefits All Students
The myths you’ve heard are exactly that – myths. School choice benefits all students.
A Lesson from ‘Unplanned’: Perseverance Can Change a Mind to Life
Abby Johnson’s personal account of her switch to the pro-life movement is an eye-opening story that shows how the perseverance of those fighting for life can have a dramatic impact on not just one person, but thousands saved from abortion.
5 Women You Don’t Hear About in History Class
Most have learned about Susan B. Anthony and Rosa Parks as a child, and their work was incredibly important for women and civil rights. However, have you heard of these five women?