Lecture – Univ of Florida – Nov 5 2018
Allie Stuckey will deliver a guest lecture on toxic masculinity at the University of Florida on Nov 5 2018.
Allie Stuckey will deliver a guest lecture on toxic masculinity at the University of Florida on Nov 5 2018.
Topic: Why Women Should Demand Less Government in their Lives
Allie Stuckey will present a guest lecture at Grand Canyon University on Nov 28, 2018.
Allie Stuckey, theConservativeMillennial, will be the featured speaker.
Kristan will provide an update on the pro-life movement.
Join us February 15 at the Conservative Women's Network luncheon for a discussion on love and marriage presented by Elizabeth Kantor, author of The Jane Austen Guide to Happily Ever After. For reservations or more information, contact Camille Hart. The Conservative Women's Network is made up of over 1,000 women in the Washington DC area […]
Should conservatives reclaim the term "feminism" or toss it to the Left?
Antonia Okafor will be the featured speaker.
Save the date!
Meghan offers "an antidote to fractured attention spans, atomized families, and unfulfilling distractions in the tech era."
Second Amendment advocate Amanda Collins Johnson will speak on "Living After Surviving."
Conservative Women's Network presents "Getting Paid Your Worth: The Gender Wage Gap and What You can Do About It".
Lindsay Craig will discuss the lessons from the Buckley Legacy.
Interning in DC this summer? Join us on Friday, June 28 to learn policy from professionals, boost your network, navigate opportunities in your internship and meet other women like you!