Students protest conservative speaker at CBLPI-sponsored lecture
Universities were once championed as enclaves of intellectual diversity where conflicting ideas could be examined and openly debated without rancor. That was before the era of university Speech Codes, Trigger Warnings and Safe Spaces, all of which have had a chilling effect on campus scholarly life and the free and open exchange of ideas.
How chilling? Heterodox Academy attempts to answer that question in its new report, Guide to Colleges: Top 150 Universities in the United States. The authors examined university policies toward speech, ratings of outside advocacy groups, and recent campus events to score—using a scale of 0 (worst) to 100 (best)—each university on the extent to which it fosters open and tolerant intellectual climates on campus.
The results in some cases are stunning, especially in view of the tuition the university charges its students today. Reports the Washington Times,
Not surprisingly, the University of Chicago—which has spearheaded resistance to the trend of designating physical "safe spaces" on campus free from uncomfortable ideas—tops the list with a score of 93.75. But the drop-off after Chicago is dramatic. The vast majority of universities receive a grade of 50 or worse, reflecting the close-minded state of American higher education.
Although Ivy League schools tend to top college rankings, Princeton is the only university from the elite cohort to receive a passing grade, coming in tied for third with a score of 62.5.
In the chart below, we've listed the universities in the Heterodox Academy report in alphabetical order, along with its intellectual diversity score, its annual tuition/fees only (room and board not included) and the U.S. News and World Report college ranking. The diversity scores are color coded, with green for the highest/best intellectual diversity scores awarded, yellow for middle scores, and coral for the lowest/worst scores.
Scroll down to the chart to see how your university scores in the report:
University/College |
Diversity Rating | Tuition/Fees | In-State T/F | USN&W Ranking |
American University (DC) |
43.75 | $ 44,853 | 74 | |
Arizona State University (AZ) |
50 | $ 25,458 | $ 10,158 | 129 |
Auburn University (AL) |
43.75 | $ 28,840 | $ 10,696 | 99 |
Baylor University (TX) |
43.75 | $ 42,006 | 71 | |
Boston College (MA) |
37.5 | $ 51,296 | 31 | |
Boston University (MA) |
18.75 | $ 50,240 | 39 | |
Brandeis University (MA) |
12.5 | $ 51,570 | 34 | |
Brigham Young University (UT) |
31.25 | $ 5,300 | 68 | |
Brown University (RI) |
6.25 | $ 51,367 | 14 | |
California Institute of Technology (CA) |
43.75 | $ 47,577 | 12 | |
Carnegie Mellon University (PA) |
62.5 | $ 52,040 | 24 | |
Case Western University (OH) |
31.25 | $ 46,006 | 37 | |
Catholic University of America (DC) |
50 | $ 42,536 | 124 | |
Clark University (MA) |
25 | $ 43,150 | 74 | |
College of William and Mary (VA) |
62.5 | $ 41,718 | $ 18,687 | 32 |
Colorado School of Mines (CO) |
25 | $ 34,828 | $ 17,383 | 82 |
Colorado State University (CO) |
31.25 | $ 28,374 | $ 11,080 | 129 |
Columbia University (NY) |
43.75 | $ 55,056 | 5 | |
Cornell University (NY) |
18.75 | $ 50,953 | 15 | |
Dartmouth College (NH) |
31.25 | $ 51,438 | 11 | |
DePaul University (IL) |
25 | $ 37,626 | 124 | |
Drexel University (PA) |
31.25 | $ 51,030 | 96 | |
Duke University (NC) |
31.25 | $ 51,265 | 8 | |
Emory University (GA) |
18.75 | $ 47,954 | 20 | |
Florida State University (FL) |
37.5 | $ 21,673 | $ 6,507 | 92 |
Fordham University (NY) |
18.75 | $ 47,317 | 60 | |
George Mason University (VA) |
62.5 | $ 32,582 | $ 11,300 | 143 |
George Washington University (DC) |
31.25 | $ 51,950 | 57 | |
Georgetown University (DC) |
6.25 | $ 50,547 | 20 | |
Georgia Institute of Technology |
18.75 | $ 32,404 | $ 12,212 | 34 |
Harvard University (MA) |
6.25 | $ 47,074 | 2 | |
Howard University (DC) |
25 | $ 24,908 | 124 | |
Illinois State University (IL) |
31.25 | $ 20,886 | 152 | |
Indiana University-Bloomington (IN) |
18.75 | $ 34,246 | $ 10,388 | 86 |
Iowa State University (IA) |
25 | $ 21,483 | $ 7,969 | 111 |
Johns Hopkins University (MD) |
37.5 | $ 50,410 | 190 | |
Kansas State University (KS) |
31.25 | $ 23,429 | $ 9,350 | 135 |
Lehigh University (PA) |
25 | $ 48,320 | 44 | |
Louisiana State University (LA) |
50 | $ 27,005 | $ 9,842 | 135 |
Loyola University (IL) |
25 | $ 41,384 | 9 | |
Marquette University (WI) |
12.5 | $ 38,470 | $ 8,334 | 86 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA) |
43.75 | $ 48,452 | 7 | |
Miami University-Oxford (OH) |
31.25 | $ 31,592 | $ 14,288 | 79 |
Michigan State University (MI) |
31.25 | $ 39,090 | $ 14,070 | 82 |
Michigan Technological University (MI) |
25 | $ 30,968 | $ 14,634 | 118 |
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJ) |
31.25 | $ 30,326 | $ 16,108 | 135 |
New York University (NY) |
6.25 | $ 49,062 | 36 | |
North Carolina State University (NC) |
43.75 | $ 35,079 | $ 11,531 | 92 |
Northeastern University (MA) |
25 | $ 47,655 | 39 | |
Northwestern University (IL) |
6.25 | $ 50,855 | 12 | |
Notre Dame University (IN) |
18.75 | $ 49,685 | 15 | |
Ohio State University-Columbus (OH) |
31.25 | $ 29,229 | $ 10,037 | 54 |
Ohio University (OH) |
31.25 | $ 21,208 | $ 11,744 | 146 |
Oklahoma State University (OK) |
25 | $ 20,978 | $ 7,778 | 152 |
Oregon State University (OR) |
43.75 | $ 28,846 | $ 10,366 | 143 |
Pennsylvania State University (PA) |
25 | $ 32,382 | $ 17,900 | 50 |
Pepperdine University (CA) |
50 | $ 50,022 | 50 | |
Princeton University (NJ) |
62.5 | $ 45,320 | 1 | |
Purdue University (IN) |
87.5 | $ 28,804 | $ 10,002 | 60 |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY) |
31.25 | $ 50,797 | 39 | |
Rice University (TX) |
18.75 | $ 43,918 | 15 | |
Rutgers University-New Brunswick (NJ) |
6.25 | $ 30,023 | $ 14,372 | 70 |
San Diego State University (CA) |
31.25 | $ 18,244 | $ 7,084 | 146 |
Seton Hall University (NJ) |
50 | $ 39,258 | 118 | |
Southern Methodist University (TX) |
43.75 | $ 50,358 | 56 | |
St. John Fisher College (NY) |
31.25 | $ 31,880 | 146 | |
St. Louis University (MO) |
25 | $ 40,726 | 96 | |
Stanford University (CA) |
25 | $ 49,940 | 5 | |
Stevens Institute of Technology |
25 | $ 48,838 | 71 | |
Stony Brook University (NY) |
31.25 | $ 26,666 | $ 9,026 | 96 |
SUNY-Albany (NY) |
25 | $ 22,244 | $ 9,124 | 146 |
SUNY-Binghamton (NY) |
43.75 | $ 22,164 | $ 9,044 | 86 |
SUNY-Buffalo (NY) |
18.75 | $ 17,519 | $ 7,669 | 99 |
SUNY-Environmental Science/Forestry (NY) |
25 | $ 26,270 | $ 9,770 | 99 |
Syracuse University (NY) |
25 | $ 45,022 | 60 | |
Temple University (PA) |
25 | $ 25,994 | $ 5,688 | 118 |
Texas A&M (TX) |
43.75 | $ 28,768 | $ 10,176 | 74 |
Texas Christian University (TX) |
25 | $ 42,670 | 82 | |
Tufts University (MA) |
18.75 | $ 52,430 | 27 | |
Tulane University (LA) |
37.5 | $ 51,010 | 39 | |
University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa (AL) |
18.75 | $ 26,950 | $ 10,470 | 103 |
University of Arizona-Tucson (AZ) |
25 | $ 30,025 | $ 10,872 | 124 |
University of Arkansas-Fayetteville (AR) |
25 | $ 23,168 | $ 8,820 | 135 |
University of California-Berkeley (CA) |
12.5 | $ 40,191 | $ 13,509 | 20 |
University of California-Davis (CA) |
18.75 | $ 40,728 | $ 14,046 | 44 |
University of California-Irvine (CA) |
18.75 | $ 39,458 | $ 14,750 | 39 |
University of California-Los Angeles (CA) |
12.5 | $ 39,518 | $ 12,836 | 24 |
University of California-Riverside (CA) |
12.5 | $ 40,263 | $ 13,581 | 118 |
University of California-San Diego (CA) |
18.75 | $ 41,387 | $ 14,705 | 44 |
University of California-Santa Barbara (CA) |
31.25 | $ 40,704 | $ 14,022 | 37 |
University of California-Santa Cruz (CA) |
18.75 | $ 40,241 | $ 13,559 | 79 |
University of Chicago (IL) |
93.75 | $ 52,491 | 3 | |
University of Cincinnati (OH) |
31.25 | $ 26,334 | $ 11,000 | 135 |
University of Colorado-Boulder (CO) |
25 | $ 35,079 | $ 11,531 | 92 |
University of Connecticut (CT) |
43.75 | $ 35,858 | $ 14,066 | 60 |
University of Delaware (DE) |
25 | $ 31,420 | $ 12,520 | 79 |
University of Denver (CO) |
25 | $ 46,362 | $ 5,758 | 86 |
University of Florida (FL) |
62.5 | $ 28,666 | $ 6,389 | 50 |
University of Georgia-Athens (GA) |
37.5 | $ 29,844 | $ 11,634 | 56 |
University of Illinois-Chicago (IL) |
25 | $ 26,526 | $ 13,670 | 152 |
University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign |
18.75 | $ 31,320 | $ 15,698 | 44 |
University of Iowa (IA) |
25 | $ 28,413 | $ 8,325 | 82 |
University of Kansas-Lawrence (KS) |
37.5 | $ 25,932 | $ 10,549 | 118 |
University of Kentucky-Lexington (KY) |
43.75 | $ 26,334 | $ 11,484 | 133 |
University of Maryland-College Park (MD) |
62.5 | $ 32,045 | $ 10,181 | 60 |
University of Massachusetts-Amherst (MA) |
25 | $ 30,123 | $ 13,790 | 74 |
University of Massachusetts-Lowell (MA) |
25 | $ 29,125 | $ 13,427 | 152 |
University of Miami (FL) |
25 | $ 47,004 | 44 | |
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (MI) |
37.5 | $ 43,476 | $ 13,856 | 27 |
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (MN) |
50 | $ 22,210 | $ 13,790 | 71 |
University of Mississippi-Oxford (MS) |
62.5 | $ 22,012 | $ 7,744 | 135 |
University of Missouri-Columbia (MO) |
0 | $ 25,892 | $ 9,518 | 111 |
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (NE) |
37.5 | $ 23,148 | $ 8,628 | 111 |
University of New Hampshire (NH) |
43.75 | $ 31,424 | $ 17,624 | 107 |
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill |
62.5 | $ 33,916 | $ 8,834 | 30 |
University of Oklahoma-Norman (OK) |
31.25 | $ 21,451 | $ 8,065 | 111 |
University of Oregon-Eugene (OR) |
0 | $ 33,442 | $ 10,762 | 103 |
University of Pennsylvania (PA) |
43.75 | $ 51,464 | 8 | |
University of Pittsburgh (PA) |
31.25 | $ 29,758 | $ 18,618 | 68 |
University of Rochester (NY) |
25 | $ 50,142 | 32 | |
University of San Diego (CA) |
18.75 | $ 46,140 | 86 | |
University of San Francisco (CA) |
31.25 | $ 44,494 | 107 | |
University of South Carolina (SC) |
25 | $ 41,282 | $ 11,854 | 107 |
University of Southern California (CA) |
18.75 | $ 52,217 | 23 | |
University of Tennessee-Knoxville (TN) |
62.5 | $ 30,858 | $ 12,668 | 103 |
University of Texas-Austin (TX) |
18.75 | $ 34,676 | $ 9,806 | 56 |
University of Tulsa (OK) |
12.5 | $ 38,796 | 86 | |
University of Utah-Salt Lake City (UT) |
62.5 | $ 27,039 | $ 8,518 | 111 |
University of Vermont (VT) |
18.75 | $ 40,364 | $ 17,300 | 92 |
University of Virginia (VA) |
62.5 | $ 45,066 | $ 15,722 | 24 |
University of Washington (WA) |
25 | $ 34,791 | $ 10,753 | 54 |
University of Wisconsin-Madison (WI) |
50 | $ 32,738 | $ 10,488 | 44 |
Vanderbilt University (TN) |
50 | $ 45,610 | 15 | |
Virginia Tech (VA) |
31.25 | $ 29,371 | $ 12,852 | 74 |
Wake Forest University (NC) |
37.5 | $ 49,308 | 27 | |
Washington State University (WA) |
25 | $ 25,673 | $ 11,041 | 143 |
Washington University-St. Louis (MO) |
62.5 | $ 49,770 | 19 | |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA) |
31.25 | $ 46,994 | 60 | |
Yale University (CT) |
12.5 | $ 49,480 | 3 | |
Yeshiva University (NY) |
31.25 | $ 40,670 | 66 |
Guide to Colleges, Heterodox Academy
Best Colleges,U.S. News & World Report