“I grew up in the 80’s, back then it was a different time… your information base was not constantly changing, and truth was not constantly changing like it is today.”

Recently, Abby Johnson went to Tampa University to speak on abortion in society today. Her lecture included information about her first-hand experience working in abortion clinics, different abortion procedures, history of the pro-choice movement and how eugenics and abortion are related.

Abby Johnson worked for Planned Parenthood for 8 years and worked her way up to being a clinic director for the organization. One day she was asked to aid in an ultrasound-guided abortion. Her experience watching a 13-week baby fight for his life and die ultimately changed the course of her life. At that moment she realized the horror of abortion. Since then, she has dedicated her life to exposing abortion for what it really is and advocating for life inside the womb.

She is the founder of two amazing non-profit organizations: Pro-Love Ministries and And Then There Were None. Pro-Love Ministries helps to equip pro-life organizations and pregnancy resource centers meet the wholistic needs of women and children. Her other organization, And Then There Were None, is designed to help abortion clinic workers transition out of the abortion industry. She realized this was a need when Abby herself experienced an unjust gag order after leaving the abortion industry. Today she travels around the country sharing her story, educating the public on pro-life issues and speaking out for the unborn.