American Exceptionalism is not the same as an exceptional America. The first defines a unique historical act. The second describes the effects of that act on people, the nation, and the world.
American Exceptionalism (/noun/) is the term describing a bold, innovative design of human self-governance built upon five interdependent principles. These five principles — Individualism; Individual Property Rights; Rule of Law; Limited, Divided Government; and Free-Market Capitalism — were embedded in the founding documents that gave a new nation life and form: the Declaration of Independence (signed July 4, 1776), the U.S. Constitution (ratified May 29, 1790), and the Bill of Rights (ratified December 15, 1795).
An exceptional (/adjective/) America is the result, or demonstration, of the power of those five principles at work in and through the nation’s people. America evolved into an entrepreneurial, industrious, wealthy, and powerful nation because Americans are more free — and have greater opportunity — to excel personally and economically than the people of other nations.
But all of that is at risk today. While American Exceptionalism as an historical event can’t be destroyed, an exceptional America can be destroyed if her people abandon or reject the five principles of self-governance that made the nation “the land of opportunity.” The threat comes from progressives within America, and it only takes the negligence of a single generation for an exceptional America to be lost.
We hope you will take a few minutes to click on the image below, read this new little booklet, and, with us, work to keep America an exceptional nation.
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