CWN – Feb 15 – Elizabeth Kantor

Join us February 15 at the Conservative Women's Network luncheon for a discussion on love and marriage presented by Elizabeth Kantor, author of The Jane Austen Guide to Happily Ever After. For reservations or more information, contact Camille Hart. The Conservative Women's Network is made up of over 1,000 women in the Washington DC area […]

DC Intern Summit – Jun 28 2019

Interning in DC this summer? Join us on Friday, June 28 to learn policy from professionals, boost your network, navigate opportunities in your internship and meet other women like you!

Special Event with Author Michelle Malkin

Join us after work with Michelle Malkin on Wednesday, September 11 from 5-7pm on Capitol Hill. Malkin will present valuable insight into her revealing work, and behind-the-scenes details of her journey authoring a risky investigation.