American Exceptionalism and the Threat to It from Within
American Exceptionalism created an exceptional America. Is she now at risk from threats from within?
Social Justice? Social Democracy? Socialism?
What’s behind the advertisements for free health care, child care and college? Who pays for them, and how do they work? Would socialism produce greater social justice for society than capitalism?
Sharia Law and its Impact on Women
A woman is little more than a man’s property under this ancient religious legal code.
Transgenderism Will Erase Women & Their Rights
The cognitive dissonance of the transgender movement is mind-blowing, argued Biology isn’t Bigotry panelists. Women are asked to suspend reason and to self-eradicate. They must fight back.
God vs. the Sociologists: the Role of Religion in Terrorism
Asserting that terrorism has nothing to do with religion is to ignore the very real conflict within the Muslim world…
If There’s a War on Women, Women are Winning
Celebrate! The landscape is littered with shards of countless glass ceilings U.S. women have shattered …
What's at Stake in the Abortion Debate
Why is abortion a big deal? Isn’t it a victimless crime, really? Answers to these and other questions will surprise many as Whole Women’s Health v Cole goes before the Supreme Court …
Restoring American Education
The American mind is unwell. Decades of more spending and more coercive central planning have failed to improve its quality. It’s time to move education from the Industrial Age to the Information Age …
The Myth of Women as Economic Victims
Women want a vibrant economy that offers a chance for themselves and their families to be economically secure and to choose…
8 Principles to Guide Environmental Policies
Without sound principles to guide decisionmaking, public policy can be easily derailed by pure emotional appeal, manipulative advocacy, and greedy con artists…
The Battle Within the Women’s Movement
The historical Women’s Movement has always embodied two distinct schools of thought at war with one another …
Why Women Should Demand Less Government in Their Lives
Many government policies today, argues Veronique deRugy, actually have negative impact on many women. It is time for women to push back against government interference in their lives…
Take Feminism Back
Author Christina Hoff Sommers explains how the once noble cause of feminism has been derailed, how the public policies espoused by today’s feminists are harmful, and why mainstream American women need to put feminism back on track…
Sense & Sexuality: A College Girl’s Guide in a Hooked-Up World
This is a protect-yourself-because-no-one-else-will kind of sex ed booklet…
Women: A World Apart
Egyptian-born Nonie Darwish issues a warning: Islam is more than a religion; it is a one party state with a very elaborate legal system called Sharia Law, and it is incompatible with democracy …
Immigration: Turning the Tide
Reforming the immigration system requires thinking in terms of two types of immigrants, which for simplicity we will call high-skilled and low-skilled…
The Abandonment of Classic Western Literature
If Western culture has, on balance, been a benefactor of the human race, argues Dr. Elizabeth Kantor, then the abandonment of its great literature by college literature professors is a very great loss, both to students and to the long-term health of Western civilization…
The Dangers of Social Ideology in Campus Health Care
A physician warns that the hook-up culture can have some devastating negative emotional, social, and academic side effects …