That Thank You Note Will Be Remembered

That Thank You Note Will Be Remembered

by Elizabeth Campbell August is a busy month for many people. Starting college or moving back to college … classes starting … jobs ending … moving back home from summer internships. The list seems never ending!  Often times many people forget to add things to their...
Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hypocritical Claims

Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hypocritical Claims

by Juliana Dauchess A “hate group”? Far from it. This month, an ABC headline led to a general outcry as the biased news source denounced the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) organization as an “anti-LGBT hate group.” Where did ABC get this radical label from? From the...
Finishing Touches on Your Internship

Finishing Touches on Your Internship

by Elizabeth Campbell As your summer internship comes to an end, there are a few things you need to remember before you leave and head back home, to your campus, or on vacation before your classes start. 1 – Make sure to follow up with people that you have met...

Evergreen State’s Misguided Identity Politics

by Katie Porter It’s finally happened. The teaching of identity politics has caused Evergreen State College in Washington State to erupt in chaos. Last week, students called for a ‘slight change’ in the way that their annual “Day of Absence” would run. Usually at the...
This Fourth, Celebrate American Privilege

This Fourth, Celebrate American Privilege

by Monaco Schmidt In today’s society, the word “privilege” carries a negative connotation. It is a common insult the left uses to degrade conservatives. However, we, as Americans all have a certain amount of “privilege” that others envy. As our nation celebrates its...