by Lil Tuttle | Aug 1, 2017 | News
by Elizabeth Campbell August is a busy month for many people. Starting college or moving back to college … classes starting … jobs ending … moving back home from summer internships. The list seems never ending! Often times many people forget to add things to their...
by Lil Tuttle | Jul 27, 2017 | News
by Juliana Dauchess A “hate group”? Far from it. This month, an ABC headline led to a general outcry as the biased news source denounced the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) organization as an “anti-LGBT hate group.” Where did ABC get this radical label from? From the...
by Lil Tuttle | Jul 26, 2017 | News
by Rachel Moss As she was finishing school at Pepperdine University, Peggy Grande made a list of 10 places she would like to intern in Los Angeles, and only got one call back. Luckily, that call was inviting her to interview for a position in Ronald Reagan’s...
by Lil Tuttle | Jul 25, 2017 | News
by Elizabeth Campbell As your summer internship comes to an end, there are a few things you need to remember before you leave and head back home, to your campus, or on vacation before your classes start. 1 – Make sure to follow up with people that you have met...
by Lil Tuttle | Jul 11, 2017 | Education
by Katie Porter It’s finally happened. The teaching of identity politics has caused Evergreen State College in Washington State to erupt in chaos. Last week, students called for a ‘slight change’ in the way that their annual “Day of Absence” would run. Usually at the...
by Lil Tuttle | Jul 3, 2017 | News
by Monaco Schmidt In today’s society, the word “privilege” carries a negative connotation. It is a common insult the left uses to degrade conservatives. However, we, as Americans all have a certain amount of “privilege” that others envy. As our nation celebrates its...