Secrets to Beating the Gender Wage Gap

Secrets to Beating the Gender Wage Gap

On average women face a gender wage gap, we’re told. How much is hard to pin down, although the most common gap tossed around is that women earn 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. If you're in college right now, here are two secrets you can use to beat...
Bay Buchanan Defends Life at Wisconsin Lutheran College

Bay Buchanan Defends Life at Wisconsin Lutheran College

by Laurel Conrad Wanting to make a difference on her campus, Wisconsin Lutheran College student Marta Stahlfeld teamed with the Pro-Life Warriors to bring former US Treasurer Bay Buchanan to campus for a Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute sponsored lecture. Bay spoke...
Gayle Trotter: A Woman’s Right to Choose Self-Protection

Gayle Trotter: A Woman’s Right to Choose Self-Protection

Attorney and 2nd Amendment advocate Gayle Trotter explains, using case examples, how a gun is a great equalizer for women facing violent attacks and why women should insist on the right to choose self-protection in this way. Her remarks were recorded at the April 2016...