Ying Ma: Women and 2016 Policy Discussion

Ying Ma: Women and 2016 Policy Discussion

Ying Ma, author of the book Chinese Girl in the Ghetto, speaks about women and 2016 public policy, as well as her own life’s journey from a young immigrant from Communist China to a presidential campaign spokesperson for Dr. Ben Carson. The event was recorded at...
2016 Western Women’s Summit: Afternoon Session

2016 Western Women’s Summit: Afternoon Session

Women in Business Panel: Female Entrepreneurs Doing What They Love Three women entrepreneurs discuss their experiences beginning and building a business entreprise: Amanda Owens, founder of Future Female Leaders, began with a Twitter account and built it into a social...
2016 Western Women’s Summit: Afternoon Session

2016 Western Women's Summit: Afternoon Session

Women in Business Panel: Female Entrepreneurs Doing What They Love Three women entrepreneurs discuss their experiences beginning and building a business entreprise: Amanda Owens, founder of Future Female Leaders, began with a Twitter account and built it into a social...
Earth Day 2016

Earth Day 2016

by Lil Tuttle It was the rage in 1970. A million people crowded into New York's Central Park to celebrate and demonstrate support for a radical new environmental protection agenda. Mainstream Media covered all the dire warnings, among them: Between 1980 and 1989,...
Women’s Choices

Women’s Choices

by Lil Tuttle It’s puzzling that liberalism gets credited as being pro-women and pro-choice. In reality, liberalism touts only one choice for women: abortion. In all other areas of social and economic life, liberalism seems to do everything in its power to...