Nancy Reagan 1921-2016

Nancy Reagan 1921-2016

Former First Lady Nancy Reagan died on Sunday morning at the age of 94 at her Lost Angeles home. She was President Ronald Reagan's most devoted fan and most trusted advisor. In a Sunday interview with Fox News (video below), K.T. McFarland recalls a story, told...
Catherine Engelbrecht, March’s Conservative Woman

Catherine Engelbrecht, March’s Conservative Woman

Catherine Engelbrecht is the founder and president of True the Vote, a bipartisan nonprofit organization aimed at ensuring voters' rights and election integrity. Catherine founded the organization in 2009 after volunteering at the polls and witnessing firsthand...
Free College, Broken Promises, and Anger

Free College, Broken Promises, and Anger

by Lil Tuttle Despite their negative press, are millennials any different than previous generations? Like those before them, millennials move through stages in life: from the protected cocoon of make-believe, to disillusionment, to anger (sometimes), to dealing with...