It's that time of year when many young women make their first trek to the college campus – a time filled with excitement and promise and new discoveries. For many, it's a positive experience. But not for all.
Ugly discoveries lurk on campus for some young women, and they are emotionally, intellectually, and physically painful to endure, whether you are the victim herself, or a loved one of the victim.
Dr. Suzanne S. Becker, a retired physician and a long-time friend of the Institute, recently mailed a letter enclosing a small, special booklet that explains the dangers that turn young women into victims.
The booklet, which covers issues young women are not likely to hear from any other source, is a smaller-sized version of one written by another medical doctor, who spent years on a university campus counseling young women suffering from debilitating emotional breakdowns.
If you received the letter, we hope you will share the booklet with those young women you know and love.
If you didn’t receive Dr. Becker’s letter, you can still read the original booklet.
Once you do, we hope you will support our efforts to share this information with as many young women as possible. Because, like you, we want all young women to have a happy and healthy college experience.
If you’d like to order additional copies of Sense and Sexuality, please send your name, mailing address, and the number of copies you’d like to request (maximum of 10) to [email protected].