Respectful Discourse

Respectful Discourse

by Elizabeth Campbell Respectful discourse when it comes to political topics is often difficult. If you think about it, this makes sense. Political beliefs revolve on deep personal values, and when you question someone’s values it upsets them. However lately it seems...
Valuable Classroom-to-Workplace Skills

Valuable Classroom-to-Workplace Skills

by Elizabeth Campbell Skills you learn during college sometimes seem like they will be of no use to you once you leave, however many of the skills you develop are useful once you enter the workplace. Here are some of the most valuable skills that you can transfer from...
Social Media as Conservative Advocacy

Social Media as Conservative Advocacy

by Rachel Moss How many followers do you have? What are your engagement statistics? Do you get more likes or retweets?   When someone is evaluating social media, these are the numbers to which they turn. Social media is measured in numbers, and these numbers provide a...
RAISE the Immigration Bar

RAISE the Immigration Bar

  by Lil Tuttle Immigration is a thorny topic in the political arena, and a frequent topic among ordinary Americans who want the problem solved.  A new piece of legislation, Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment (RAISE) Act, introduced by Senators...
When Diversity Breaks the Bank

When Diversity Breaks the Bank

by Ellen Schutt At the University of Wisconsin-Madison diversity and inclusion have been the hot topics lately. With hate and bias incident reports sky rocketing over the past two years, many are looking for solutions to the problems. UW-Madison has created a new...