Lila Rose

Lila Rose

Lila Rose is the president of Live Action, a new media nonprofit dedicated to ending abortion and building a culture of life. Lila founded Live Action when she was fifteen years old. The group uses new media to teach the public about the humanity of the unborn and...
Diana Furchtgott-Roth

Diana Furchtgott-Roth

Diana Furchtgott-Roth is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute where she is director of Economics21. Prior to joining Manhattanm she directed the Hudson Institute’s Center for Employment Policy. She also served as chief economist of the U.S. Department of...
Christina Hoff Sommers

Christina Hoff Sommers

  Dr. Christina Hoff Sommers is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC. Before joining AEI, she was a professor of philosophy at Clark University where she specialized in moral theory. Her academic articles have appeared in...
Brigitte Gabriel

Brigitte Gabriel

Ms. Gabriel is a former news anchor of “World News,” the Arabic evening news broadcast for Middle East Television seen throughout Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. She covered the Israeli withdrawal from Central Lebanon, the Israeli Security Zone...
Bay Buchanan

Bay Buchanan

Angela “Bay” Buchanan began her political career as the national Treasurer of Ronald Reagan’s presidential campaigns in 1980 and 1984. This position catapulted her into a distinguished career beginning in 1981 when President Reagan appointed her to...