by Lil Tuttle | Jun 26, 2017 | National Security & Immigration, News
by Lil Tuttle How many illegal residents and other ineligible voters cast votes in U.S. elections? New studies suggest enough to swing election outcomes, and that’s an unacceptable situation for most U.S. citizens who value their constitutional rights. ...
by Lil Tuttle | May 12, 2017 | News
by Lil Tuttle The Left argues that voter fraud is a myth. The Right argues otherwise, producing documented cases where voter fraud in federal elections – i.e., dead people voting, voters casting more than one ballot, non-citizens voting, etc. – “is all too...
by Lil Tuttle | Nov 10, 2016 | News
by Lil Tuttle The right to vote is a special privilege reserved for American citizens, but two states in our union make it far too easy for non-citizens to cast votes when they should not. That’s one reason why the Electoral College still matters. Under...