by Laurel Conrad
Keira is in the class of 2017 at the University of Florida majoring in Political Science and Telecommunications with a minor in Spanish.
She is from Round Hill, Virginia, and attended Woodgrove High School.
According to Keira, she is a conservative because she agrees with Thomas Paine who said, "Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one." She believes the founders were very wise and that their principles are worth fighting for and dedicating her life to defending.
Keira's favorite conservative lady is Sarah Palin because she has withstood so much criticism and has only allowed it to make her stronger.
Keira's favorite quote is from the movie Coach Carter: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."
The weirdest thing Keira has ever done is break both of her hands – in two different lacrosse championships
Keira's personal motto is "Dream, Believe, Achieve."
At CBLPI's recent Capitol Hill Intern Seminar, Keira introduced bold and beautiful leader Katie Pavlich.
Keira's guilty pleasure TV show is the Hart of Dixie (mainly because of John Tucker).
And finally, Keira says she found out about the CBLPI internship via the luncheon she attended at CPAC – where she also got to meet Katie Pavlich for the first time!
Welcome to CBLPI Keira! You are passionate, articulate, and bold about conservatism. We look forward to seeing all of your future successes!