Judge Gorsuch for the High Court

Judge Gorsuch for the High Court

by Lil Tuttle Yesterday President Trump nominated Judge Neil M. Gorsuch to fill the seat on the U.S. Supreme Court left vacant by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Many are hailing the choice as mainstream and a campaign promise (to appoint a conservative to the...
Ann McElhinney on Gosnell

Ann McElhinney on Gosnell

by Lil Tuttle Ann McElhinney discussed her book, Gosnell: The Untold Story of America's Most Prolific Serial Killer, at the January Conservative Women’s Network luncheon. It is a poignant story of helpless victims, callous government officials, and willful...
An Executive Order for College Grads

An Executive Order for College Grads

by Lil Tuttle What if 180,000 good paying jobs could be created for new college grads with the stroke of a presidential pen? According to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), it could happen and, CIS argues, it should happen. Right now, those jobs are being taken...

‘Immigrant Ban’ Meltdown

by Lil Tuttle The president's Friday evening Executive Order for a 90-day pause on visas for 7 nations in the world generated swift progressive meltdown. Social justice warriors flocked to airports in protest. Black Lives Matter clashed with police at the...
CBLPI Staffers Join 2017 Pro-Life March

CBLPI Staffers Join 2017 Pro-Life March

by Laurel Conrad The Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute was proud to advocate for life at today's March for Life, which kicked off with remarks from Senior Advisor to President Trump and CBLPI board member Kellyanne Conway. CBLPI's Development Director, Cindy...