The Good, Bad, and the Future: Rep Jim Jordan

The Good, Bad, and the Future: Rep Jim Jordan

Congressman Jim Jordan discusses the good (trends in the right direction, including actions by the House Freedom Caucus), the bad (court decisions and the Left’s assault on the Rule of Law and traditions), and the future (changes to the broken tax code,...
Islam: The Dilemma We Face

Islam: The Dilemma We Face

"Why can't we talk about Islam honestly," asks David Harsanyi in a very thoughtful, yet brief, essay worth reading in its entirety. Islam is not a race. Islam is not an ethnicity. Islam is a religion and a political philosophy. And it is distinct from...
Obamacare Repeal Passes House and Senate

Obamacare Repeal Passes House and Senate

The U.S. Senate last week voted to repeal major portions of the Affordable Care Act. Once joined to House legislation, President Obama will be faced, for the first time in the law’s six year history, with having to act on his threat of veto. Calling it more than...
Progressives’ Regulation Nation

Progressives’ Regulation Nation

While most of us planned a Thanksgiving celebration with food and family, progressive government minions planned yet another round of regulations designed to tighten the straitjacket on Americans, their lives and their businesses. More than 2000 government agency...
Thanksgiving Blessings

Thanksgiving Blessings

Counting our blessings isn't always easy when the world around us seems to be in chaos. Yet it is often in the midst of chaos that we gain divine insight that makes our blessings even more vivid. The first Thanksgiving in 1621 in Plymouth had its own share of...
Read Aloud to Children: Meghan Cox Gurdon

Read Aloud to Children: Meghan Cox Gurdon

Reading good books aloud to children, argues Wall Street Journal children’s book critic Meghan Cox Gurdon, expands their vocabularies, builds their attention spans, exposes them to epic adventures, engages their imaginations, and connects them to the larger...