by Kara Bell | Sep 20, 2019 | National Security & Immigration, News
On Monday, September 16, Michelle Malkin stepped onto the University of Pennsylvania to share with students her new book, “Open Borders Inc.,” a thorough investigative piece exposing multi-million dollar campaigns from wealthy celebrities who are investing...
by Kara Bell | Sep 18, 2019 | National Security & Immigration
On Wednesday, September 11, Michelle Malkin joined the Center for Conservative Women on Capitol Hill to share remarks about her new book, “Open Borders Inc.,” just one day after its release. Interns, students, long-time fans and curious bystanders had the unique...
by Lil Tuttle | May 11, 2015 | Culture, Feminism & Sexuality
Progressives argue that Guantanamo Bay has been a huge recruiting tool for radical Islamists. If one small prisoner of war camp has that power, imagine what a massive recruiting tool the Western feminist movement is for jihadists. That thought came to mind when...
by cblpi_admn | Feb 5, 2015 | National Security & Immigration
About 70 percent of the 5.5 million work permits issued since 2009, the year President Obama took office, were given to illegals who aren’t allowed by law to have them or whose qualifications to have them are not documented, according to a new report this month...