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Employment Opportunities at the Center

Program Officer

Seeking a motivated individual to manage the Center’s internship program, plan seminars and events, and manage the Center’s social media informational systems, among other duties.

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Program Assistant

Seeking a motivated individual to assist with social media and video design, planning, and posting, as well as planning and overseeing various events and student activities.

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Upcoming Events


CBL Women on Twitter

Boycott Planet Fitness

“Planet Fitness is just another organization choosing to protect the feelings and identity of a man over women… Women should be allowed to express their feelings, and we should be allowed to have our own private spaces free from males.” – Paula Scanlan, Luce speaker and women’s sports advocate.

Abortion: The Greatest Human Rights Violation of Our Time

Abby Johnson speaks to students at the University of Tampa about her experience as a Planned Parenthood clinic director and the horrors of the abortion industry.

Why we Need Religious Expression in Government

By Kathryn Huth “Faith, our deep religious heritage and tradition is a big part of what it means to be an American.”  At Christmastime, Americans were reacquainted with religious symbols [...]